МЭБИК Иностранный язык Английский для менеджеров Идентификатор ТМ-009/8

Иностранный язык МЭБИК

Обязательные задания для выполнения обучающимися по дисциплине «Иностранный язык» направления подготовки 38.03.02 «Менеджмент» — Курск: типография МЭБИК. — 12 с. Идентификатор публикации: ТМ-009/8
В обязательном порядке обучающийся должен письменно перевести один из предложенных текстов и выполнить все задания.

Критерии оценки:

1. Оценивается точность и «адекватность» перевода;
2. Оценивается полнота, точность и глубина понимания смысла текста;
3. Оценивается адекватность восприятия основной информации смысловых частей сообщения;
4. Определение темы (идеи)
Задания выполняются в текстовом редактореWord шрифт «14 TimesNewRoman» с полями: левое — 30 мм, правое — 10 мм, верхнее — 20 мм, нижнее — 20 мм. Межстрочный интервал -1,5. Выравнивание текста — по ширине страницы с включенным режимом переноса. Фразы, начинающиеся с «красной» строки, печатаются с отступом от начала строки равным 12 мм (первая стандартная позиция табулятора).


1. Nobody knows what the first language was. But scientists feel sure that nobody speaks it today because all languages change and keep on changing as long as people use them. One language may change in different ways in different places and grow into several languages.
2. If we could meet the people who spoke English five hundred years ago, we probably couldn’t understand much what they said.
3. English itself is a mixture of several languages. Scientists believe that these languages and many others all grew out of the same language which they call Indo-European. Nobody speaks it now. But some of its descendants are Latin, German, English, French, Greek, Russian and many of the different languages spoken in India.
4. Britain and America were once described as nations divided by a common language. Just what is difference between the English spoken in Britain and America?
5. The first English settlers to reach America arrived in Virginia in 1607 and in Massachusetts in 1620. They all spoke English of the early seventeenth century — the language of Shakespeare and Milton. Most of them came originally from the south and south-east of England. Although some of them had spent some years of exile in Holland they spoke with the accents of the southern part of their home country. To a large extent they kept that form of speech, but they soon learned to give old words new uses. They also took words from the local Indian languages for plants and animals that were new to them.
6. Until the Declaration of Independence in 1776 over two-thirds of the settlers in what later became the U.S. came from England. After that date many other people came to make a new life for themselves in the New World. These included Irish, French, Germans, Dutch, Italians, Slavs, and Scandinavians. All these people gave new words to the language of North America. The Negroes who had been taken from Africa as slaves to work on the rice and cotton plantations added words and structures from their own native languages. Some people today think that the very American expression O.K. comes from a similar expression which was brought to America by the Negroes.
7. All these people contributed in various ways to the language which was to become American English. Most civilizations and cultures — in their writings, traditions, folk stories — have traces of the old language.

ВНИМАНИЕ! В течение 5-10 минут после оплаты товар в прикреплённом файле высылается на электронный адрес, указанный Вами в платёжной форме. Если Вы по каким-либо причинам не получили оплаченный товар, свяжитесь с нами с 10.30 до 19.00 по московскому времени по Тел./WhatsApp/Viber +7(906)657-69-44, укажите артикул товара и приблизительное время оплаты.

Примечания к тексту
1. feelsurethat … полностью уверены, что…
2. keep on changing продолжают изменяться
3. just what так что же
4. in what later became the U.S. которые позднее вошли в состав США

МЭБИК Английский язык Оценка преподавателя


1. Найдите в тексте антонимы к следующим словам:
different, last, leave, nobody, north, small, new, give, dependence, few, exclude, therefore.
2. В колонке В найдите русские эквиваленты к английским словам в колонке А.
because в большой степени
that пока
aslongas так как
aswellas хотя
someof так же как, а также
once между
as некоторые из
between когда-то
although как
to a largeextent что
3. Переведите письменно следующие предложения из текста, обращая внимание на сказуемые в пассивном залоге.
Britain and America were once described as nations divided by a common language.
The Negroes who had been taken from Africa as slaves added words and structures from their own native languages.
Some people think that the very expression O.K. comes from a similar expression which was brought to America by the Negroes.
4. Дайте развернутый ответ на вопросы по тексту.
1. Do people in Britain and America speak the same language?
2. What words did the first English settlers take from local Indian languages?
3. What peoples gave new words to the language of North America after 1776?
4. What is English now?


Change изменение; изменяться
use использовать
several несколько
probably вероятно
describe описывать
difference отличие
settler поселенец
trace след
until до тех пор, пока (не)
reach достигать
arrive прибывать, приезжать
originally первоначально
spend (spent) проводить (время)
exile ссылка, изгнание
extent степень
keep (kept) сохранять
keepon продолжать
include включать
slave раб
bring (brought) приносить, привозить
scientist ученый
language язык
sure уверенный
grow (grew, grown)
расти; увеличиваться дорога; путь, способ


l. The environment situation is known to have long been a subject of separate and joint research efforts by specialists of interrelated fields — biologists, chemists, biochemists and others who have to combine their knowledge with the information available to specialists in physics, geology, oceanography and meteorology, or to the experts in sociology, psychology, philosophy, etc. The problem of man and his interaction with the environment has now become the focal point for many sciences not because it is fashionable but because of its great significance for the whole of mankind.

2.Scientific exchanges and discussions are sure to be always useful because they contribute to general scientific advance. Many Western scientists say our world to be through a global ecological crisis which means the gradual destruction of the human race. Russian scientists are not so pessimistic but they do think that man’s intervention in nature is steadily increasing, which is a growing threat to the environment. The very term “crisis” is not quite accurate. What we see at present are signs of ecological imbalance which may cause a crisis if due measures are not taken. The air we breathe, the earth we live on and its rivers and seas are becoming polluted with ever more dangerous materials — the by-products of Man’s activities.
3.Interrelations between man and the biosphere are of a very complex nature. Man, like every other living organism, depends for his life on what the biosphere provides: water, oxygen, food, etc. On the other hand, the biosphere is reported to be strongly affected by all sorts of human activities. The conflicts that arise in this man-and-the environment interaction are different. For example, man creates new compounds, new substances, pure chemical elements which are unknown to the biosphere. They do not belong to the natural cycle of matter, therefore they weaken the capacity of natural complexes for self-regulation. Thus, though not changing biologically, we change the medium we live in.
4. Forests are disappearing. Deserts are advancing at the same speed and, if there are qualitative changes in the biosphere, it is supposed not any longer to
correspond to the biological requirements of man, whose ability to adapt is very limited.
5. The great scientist Vladimir Vernadsky was the first to realize the necessity for quite a new approach to the biosphere as early as the mid-forties. It is Vernadsky’s concept of the biosphere that we accept today.
6. That we must act now is clear. If your house is in order, you’re all right. Примечания к тексту:
1. buttheydothink но они все же считают
2. evermoredangerous как никогда опасные
3. ontheotherhand с другой стороны,
4. it is Vernadsky’s concept that именно концепция Вернадского


1. Найдите в тексте антонимы к следующим словам:
optimistic, decrease, relative, past, balance, simple, joint, death, compromise, same, artificial, because, strengthen.
2. Найдите русские эквиваленты в колонке В к английским словам из колонки А.
because через
becauseof потому что
through сам; как таковой
very должный
quite как и
due таким образом
like поэтому
therefore хотя
thus из-за
though совсем
3. Переведите следующие словосочетания из текста, обращая внимание на подчеркнутые слова. Постарайтесь подобрать самый подходящий вариант их перевода.
informationavailabletospecialists forthewholemankind generalscientific advance man’sintervention in nature thevery term “crisis” signsof ecological imbalance maycause a crisis theby-productsof Man’s activities like other living organisms to realize the necessity
4. Переведите письменно следующие сложные предложения из текста,
обращая внимание на тип придаточного. Помните, что в некоторых случаях
союз, вводящий придаточные предложения, опускается.
1. What we see at present are signs of ecological imbalance.
2. The airwe breathe, the earth we live on are becoming polluted.
3. Man depends for his life on what the biosphere provides.
4. We change the medium we live in.
5. That we must act now is clear.
7. Придумайте и запишите два вопроса, ответом на которые может служить абзац 2.


Environment окружающая среда
subject предмет, тема
joint совместный
effort усилие
interrelate взаимосвязывать(ся)
available имеющийся в наличии, доступный
interaction взаимодействие
fashionable модный
significance значимость
contribute способствовать, делать вклад
gradual постепенный
steadily постоянно
threat угроза
cause вызывать, быть причиной
measure мера
breathe дышать
pollute загрязнять
dangerous опасный
by-product побочный продукт
nature природа, характер
provide обеспечивать, предоставлять
depend зависеть
affect воздействовать, влиять
arise (arose, arisen) возникать
create создавать
compound соединение
matter материя, вещество
weaken ослаблять
medium среда
suppose предполагать
correspond соответствовать, отвечать (требованиям и т.д.)
realize осознать, понять
accept принимать, соглашаться

МЭБИК Профессиональный английский язык Обязательные задания

МЭБИК Контрольные работы
  1. Обязательные задания по Иностранному в профессиональной сфере для выполнения обучающимися для Курского института менеджмента, экономики и бизнеса (МЭБИК).

В обязательном порядке обучающийся должен письменно перевести один из предложенных текстов и выполнить задания к тексту:


Alan Dury was from Italy. He was Italian. At 15 he was a shop assistant. At 20 he started his own repair company. Today at 44 he is one of the richest men in the U.K Alan Dury is the chairman of    DURANCO plc, the company which sells TV’s, video recorders, personal computers and hi-fi’s at   prices lower than anyone else’s.

МЭБИК Английский язык Оценка Отлично

Duranco is based at Solihull in Birmingham, but it manufactures most of its products in Taiwan. The main reason for the success of the company is an excellent marketing team, which is always looking for, and finding, the right product at the right time. Dury doesn’t have anoffice, but runs thecompany from home.

With 150 million shares in DURANCO he is a rich man, but he doesn’t like to show it. He drives a family car and lives in a medium-sized house in the suburbs of Birmingham, where he was born. In fact he is not very different from the millions of people who buy his products every day.

МЭБИК Английский в профсфере Обязательные Текст 1 артикул 0011124 — КУПИТЬ за 550 руб.


Many large businesses in the UK are public limited companies (plc.), which means that the public can buy and sell their shares on the stock exchange. Examples include Mark& Spencer, British Telecom etc.

Sole Trader or Sole Proprietor (UK) – the simplest way of starting a business. You are self-employed and entirely responsible for all aspects of the management of your business.

Partnership (UK) – two or more people starting a business together can set up a partnership. All partners are responsible for the debts of the partnership, and profits and losses are shared between them.

Private Limited Company (UK) – a company can be formed with a minimum of two people becoming its shareholders. They must appoint a director and a company secretary. If the company goes out of business, the responsibility of each shareholder is limited to the amount that they have contributed; they have limited liability. Such a company has Ltd (Limited) after its name.

In the US, businesses take the same basic forms. However, American companies are registered or incorporated with the authorities in the state where they have their headquarters. The abbreviations Inc. and Corp. refer to such companies. To sell shares to the public they must apply to the Securities Exchange Commission.


Ex.1. Ответьте навопросы к тексту:

  1. What was he at 15?
  2. When did he start his own company?
  3. What does his company sell?
  4. What is the main reason for his company success?
  5. In what ways is Alan Dury an unusual company chairman?

Ex. 2. Выберите ключевые слова из текста и письменно опишите компанию Алана.

Ex. 3.Напишите, что вы узнали из текста о следующем:

  1. Alan Dury and his company;
  2. The reason why Alan Dury is an unusual company chairman.


Изучите список слов и напишите, какие качества необходимо иметь, чтобы создать успешный бизнес: 

To make all the decisions

A self-starter


To thrive on competition

To be good at adapting to change


To plan well ahead

To have a flair for smth

To build teams

To deal with complex issues


To handle


A fair amount

To cope with ambiguity

To have the physical stamina for smth.

To be quite single-minded about smth.

To be no stranger to risk-taking


To make sacrifices

Принимать решение


Полагающийся только на себя

«Преуспевать в соревнованиях»

Хорошо адаптироваться
к переменам

Планировать заранее

Иметь способности к чему-либо

Строить команду

Иметь дело со сложными

Управлять, регулировать,

Изрядное количество

Справляться с неопределенностью

Иметь физическую выносливость (выдержку)

Быть целеустремленным к чему-либо

Не бояться рисковать





Like most service industries, tourism is labour-intensive; that is, it employs a high proportion of people in comparison to the number that it serves. The range of jobs is also very wide, from unskilled, like a dish washer in a restaurant, to semi-skilled, like a waiter or a chambermaid, to skilled, like a travel agent or a tour operator. In addition, tourism generates many jobs that are not usually considered to be within the industry itself—jobs in construction, manufacturing, and merchandising.

МЭБИК Английский в профсфере Обязательные Текст 2 артикул 0012490 — КУПИТЬ за 550 руб.

A majority of the jobs in tourism have one common feature: contact with the public including both the positive and negative aspects of dealing with ordinary human beings. Anyone who has chosen a career in tourism should enjoy working with people and be tolerant, especially since the irritations of travel can bring out the worst qualities in some people.

In many jobs in which it is necessary to deal with the public, language skill is necessary or desirable. People who hold jobs of this kind include travel agency employees, ticket and reservations agents, airline flight personnel, front-desk employees in hotels, tour conductors or guides, waiters, barmen and so forth. (The degree of language skill may vary from using special terms in catering service jobs to speaking fluently among travel agents and tour guides. The degree of language skill may vary according to the location of the job.

The tourist industry differs from many others as it employs more women than other kinds of business. Indeed, women are found at all levels. Many successful travel agents are women who have established independent enterprises after gaining experience elsewhere in the industry. There are many different ways to acquire the necessary experience. Some agents begin as clerical workers or secretaries in travel agencies or in transportation companies. Particular jobs that provide useful knowledge include those of ticket agent and reservations agent for the airlines.

In addition to dealing with the public, the travel agent must deal with people who work for the other components in the industry. One of the most important aspects of the job is keeping informed about the highlycomplex pricing policies of airlines and the resort hotels

The people who write about travelalso receive lavish treatment from the tourist industry. There are relatively few travel writers, but they fill an important place in publicizing the industry. Some of them work full-time for magazines or newspapers. Others are free-lancers: they work for themselves and sell their articles to any publication that is interested in them. There is also a small industry involved in writing and publishing travel guidebooks.

The tour operators work much more within the framework of ordinary, corporate practice than the small retail agencies do. Companies like Cook and American Express employ people in nearly all phases of tourism, ranging from the jobs that would be found in a retail travel agency to those that deal with package tours or establishing overall policy for the companies. They also employ a large staff to work on advertising and publicity.


1. Labour-intensive трудоемкий, создающий большое количество рабочих мест
2. In comparison to


посравнениюс; syn. as compared with
3. Skilled




квалифицированный; skilledjob/ unskilledjob/ semi-skilledjobквалифицированный труд / неквалифицированный труд / мало квалифицированный труд
4. Chambermaid горничная в гостинице
5. To generate


порождать, производить,
6. Tolerant


терпимый; syn. patient терпеливый
7. To contact with


соприкасатьсяс, работатьс;

syn. to work with, to communicate with

8.To deal with the public


работатьслюдьми; syn. to work with the public
9. To hold a job



иметьпрофессию, заниматьдолжность; syn. to have a position,
to work as
10. Toemploy



нанимать на работу,
предоставлять работу;
employerпредприниматель, работодатель; employeeслужащий, работающий по найму; travelagencyemployee / front-deskemployee) служащий тур агентства; employableтрудоспособный
11. Agent


агент; ticketagent/ reservationagentагент по продаже билетов/ агент по резервированию
12. Guide



гид; tourguide/ sightseeingguide

руководитель тура / экскурсовод

руководитель; synconductor



13. Personnel



персонал, личный состав, кадры штат сотрудников; syn. staff;
personnelmanagementруководство кадрами
14. To gain experience


1) приобрести опыт по данной специальности;

2) компетенция; знание дела; syn .expertise

15. To acquire



приобретать, достигать чего-либо, овладевать какими-либо навыками; toacquireknowledge
16. Treatment


вознаграждение; syn.fee; lavishtreatmentщедрое вознаграждение
17. Free-lancers



журналист не связанный с определенной редакцией; syn.toworkforthemselves
18. Package tour готовый (комплексный) тур
19. To establish


устанавливать; toestablishoverallpolicyустанавливать генеральную политику
20. To perform the work


выполнитьработу; syn. to do the work, to carry out the work, to fulfill the work, to execute the work, to accomplish the work
21.To relate (to, with)


устанавливать связь, определять соотношение
22. Promotion продвижение
23. To be involved with быть вовлеченным в
24. To gather


собирать;to gather statisticsсобирать данные
25. To work out


вырабатывать; toworkoutsystem

выработать систему

26. To increase


увеличивать; toincreasetheaccuracyувеличивать точность данных
27. To be concerned with smth.


касаться, иметь отношение; tobeconcernedwithplanningиметь отношение к планированию
28. Facilities




оборудование, приспособление, возможности, благоприятные условия; existingfacilitiesсуществующие возможности
29. To be in charge of smth.


отвечать за что-либо, руково-дить; syn.toberesponsiblefor
30. Reluctant


делающий что-либо с неохотой, вынужденный что-либо делать
31. To supervise наблюдать, руководить
32. To keep up with



следить за новейшими достижениями, не отставать от современных тенденций
33. A fee


плата, гонорар, вознаграждение;onafeebasisна платной основе
34. To accompany a group сопровождать группу
35.A rack


стеллажи, полки, стойки; a rack of brochures стеллажисброшюрами
36. Wholesaler оптовый торговец
37. One-stop convenience все виды услуг в одном месте
38. Inducements побуждение, побуждающий мотив
39. To handle reservations забронировать
40. To be equipped with быть оснащенным чем-либо
41. To permit



позволять, давать возможность, разрешать; syn. toallow;  topermitaccesstosmth.

разрешить доступ к чему-либо

42. The pleasures and pains радости и неприятности
43.To please the customer доставлять удовольствие клиенту
44. The bargain сделка, выгодная покупка
45. Information



reliableinformationточная информация, надежная информация

46. To be alert быть бдительным
47. Tour guide


гидэкскурсовод; syn. leader, manager, director or (US only) escort
48. Image


имидж; toprojecttheimageсоставлять имидж, делать имидж
49.To provide commentary обеспечить комментарием, необходимым материалом
50. To reconfirm


подтвердитьзаново; to reconfirm accommodation/ to reconfirm activity arrangements
51.To sort out the problems


улаживать, утрясатьпроблемы; syn. to solve the problem


52. An order


задача, порядок, ордер, заказ; syn. task; a tall order труднаязадача; syn. a difficult task
53. The career ladder карьерная лестница





(1) to make/have contact with, (2) to deal with, (3) to hold a job, (4) travel agency employee, (5) ticket agent, (6) tour guide, (7) personnel management, (8) to work out a system, (9) to gather statistics, (10) to increase the accuracy, (11) to be concerned with planning, (12) one –stop convenience.

Ex. 2.  Подберите по смыслу слова из 1 колонки ко 2:


language                                           bureau

to choose                                          statistics

to deal with                                       firms

tourist                                                a career

travel                                                 public

consulting                                          guide




Ex.3. Найдите ответы в тексте на следующие вопросы:

  1. Why is tourism labour-intensive?
  2. What is the range of jobs in tourism?
  3. What common feature do a majority of the jobs in tourism have?
  4. What personal characteristics should a specialist in tourism have?
  5. Is language skill necessary or desirable?
  6. People in what professions should know the foreign language?
  7. In what way does the tourist industry differ from many others?
  8. Describe different ways to acquire the necessary experience?
  9. Describe the duties of the travel agent.
  10. How do tour operators work?
  11. What are official and semi-official tourist bureaus busy with?
  12. Why are consultants called in?
  13. Who does the most distinctive and difficult job in the entire industry belong to?
  14. What does the sightseeing guide do?


МЭБИК Обязательные задания по английскому языку

МЭБИК Контрольные работы
  1. Обязательные задания для выполнения обучающимися по английскому языку для Курского института менеджмента, экономики и бизнеса (МЭБИК).

Обучающийся должен письменно перевести текст и выполнить все задания:

1.The environment situation is known to have long been a subject of separate and joint research efforts by specialists of interrelated fields – biologists, chemists, biochemists and others who have to combine their knowledge with the information available to specialists in physics, geology, oceanography and meteorology, or to the experts in sociology, psychology, philosophy, etc. The problem of man and his interaction with the environment has now become the focal point for many sciences not because it is fashionable but because of its great significance for the whole of mankind.

2.Scientific exchanges and discussions are sure to be always useful because they contribute to general scientific advance. Many Western scientists say our world to be through a global ecological crisis which means the gradual destruction of the human race. Russian scientists are not so pessimistic but they do think that man′s intervention in nature is steadily increasing, which is a growing threat to the environment. The very term “crisis” is not quite accurate. What we see at present are signs of ecological imbalance which may cause a crisis if due measures are not taken. The air we breathe, the earth we live on and its rivers and seas are becoming polluted with ever more dangerous materials — the by-products of Man′s activities.

ВНИМАНИЕ! В течение 5-10 минут после оплаты товар в прикреплённом файле высылается на электронный адрес, указанный Вами в платёжной форме. Если Вы по каким-либо причинам не получили оплаченный товар, свяжитесь с нами с 10.30 до 19.00 по московскому времени по Тел./WhatsApp/Viber +7(906)657-69-44, укажите артикул товара и приблизительное время оплаты.

3.Interrelations between man and the biosphere are of a very complex nature. Man, like every other living organism, depends for his life on what the biosphere provides: water, oxygen, food, etc. On the other hand, the biosphere is reported to be strongly affected by all sorts of human activities. The conflicts that arise in this man-and-the environment interaction are different. For example, man creates new compounds, new substances, pure chemical elements which are unknown to the biosphere. They do not belong to the natural cycle of matter, therefore they weaken the capacity of natural complexes for self-regulation. Thus, though not changing biologically, we change the medium we live in.

4.Forests are disappearing. Deserts are advancing at the same speed and, if there are qualitative changes in the biosphere, it is supposed not any longer to correspond to the biological requirements of man, whose ability to adapt is very limited.

5.The great scientist Vladimir Vernadsky was the first to realize the necessity for quite a new approach to the biosphere as early as the mid-forties. It is Vernadsky′s concept of the biosphere that we accept today.

6.That we must act now is clear. If your house is in order, you′re all right.

Примечания к тексту:

1. butt hey do think но они все же считают
2. ever more dangerous как никогда опасные
3. on the other hand с другой стороны,
4. it is Vernadsky′s concept that именно концепция Вернадского


  1. II.


  1. Найдите в тексте антонимы к следующим словам:


optimistic, decrease, relative, past, balance, simple, joint, death, compromise, same, artificial, because, strengthen.


  1. Найдите русские эквиваленты в колонке В к английским словам из колонки А.

A                                    B

because через
becauseof  потому что
through  сам; как таковой
very должный
quite  как и
due  таким образом
like поэтому
therefore хотя
thus  из-за
though совсем


  1. Переведите следующие словосочетания из текста, обращая внимание на подчеркнутые слова. Постарайтесь подобрать самый подходящий вариант их перевода.


Information available to specialists

for the whole mankind

general scientific advance

man′s intervention in nature

the very term “crisis”

signs of ecological imbalance

may cause a crisis

the by-products of  Man′s activities

like other living organisms

to realize the necessity

  1. Переведите письменно следующие сложные предложения из текста, обращая внимание на тип придаточного. Помните, что в некоторых случаях союз, вводящий придаточные предложения, опускается.
  1. What we see at present are signs of ecological imbalance.
  2. The air we breathe, the earth we live on are becoming polluted.
  3. Man depends for his life on what the biosphere provides.
  4. We change the medium we live in.
  5. That we must act now is clear.
  1. Придумайте и запишите два вопроса, ответом на которые может служить абзац 2.


 Environment окружающая среда
 subject предмет, тема
 joint совместный
 effort усилие
 interrelate взаимосвязывать(ся)
 available имеющийся в наличии, доступный
 interaction взаимодействие
 fashionable модный
 significance значимость
 contribute способствовать, делать вклад
 gradual постепенный
 steadily постоянно
 threat угроза
 cause вызывать, быть причиной
 measure мера
 breathe дышать
 pollute загрязнять
 dangerous опасный
 by-product побочный продукт
 nature природа, характер
 provide обеспечивать, предоставлять
depend зависеть
affect воздействовать, влиять
arise (arose, arisen) возникать
create создавать
compound соединение
matter материя, вещество
weaken ослаблять
medium среда
suppose предполагать
correspond соответствовать, отвечать (требованиям и т.д.)
realize осознать, понять
accept принимать, соглашаться



Задания выполняются в текстовом редакторе Word шрифт «14 TimesNewRoman» с полями: левое – 30 мм, правое – 10 мм, верхнее – 20 мм, нижнее –  20 мм. Межстрочный интервал – 1,5. Выравнивание текста – по ширине страницы с включенным режимом переноса. Фразы, начинающиеся с «красной» строки, печатаются с отступом от начала строки равным 12 мм (первая стандартная позиция табулятора).



Английский язык для МЭБИК: задания для промежуточной аттестации в 4 семестре

МЭБИК Контрольные работы
    1. Задание для промежуточной аттестации обучающихся для Курского института менеджмента, экономики и бизнеса (МЭБИК)

Промежуточная аттестация (экзамен в 4-м семестре) проводится  как выполнение контрольных заданий в письменной форме.

Задание 1. Прочитайте и переведите письмо, ответьте на вопросы:


A letter of application

The purpose of a letter of application is to attract positive attention so that the employer will call you to set up an interview.

Southern Leisure Hotels

Group Manager

Write with full CV to Mr. George Davies. Director,

Southern Leisure Hotels Ltd, 24 Lakeland Road,

Bedhampton, Mendleshire KR5 9 UJ


46 Chorleywood Road


Herts WD3 4 ES

25th April 2000

Mr. George Davies. Director,

Southern Leisure Hotels Ltd,

24 Lakeland Road,

Bedhampton, Mendleshire KR4 9 UJ


Dear Mr. Davies,

I saw your advertisement for a Group Manager in this week’s issue of The Caterer and Hotelkeeper and should like to apply for the position.

As requested, I enclose my CV. I served a six-year apprenticeship at 1’hotel Geneve, spending time in all departments of this 5-star hotel.

German is my mother tongue but as I worked at a French-owned hotel I became almost bilingual. 1 have always studied English, and with many Eng­lish visitors, and occasionally some English train­ees, I was able to practice my spoken English.

My three years at Bailey’s Hotels also gave me experience in English hotels and an opportunity to use my English when I worked at hotels in Brigh­ton, Eastbound and Torquay. Since leaving Bai­ley’s I have been manager at the Bellean Hotel, Swaby. I now feel I should like the greater chal­lenge of managing a group of prestigious hotels.

If I am given two or three days’ notice I could attend an interview at any time.

Английский для МЭБИК артикул 0011116 — КУПИТЬ по ссылке за 490 руб.

Yours sincerely,

Hans Gunter


  1. What do you write in the top right-hand corner?
  2. What do you write below it?
  3. Where do you write the name and address of the person or company you are writing to?
  4. When do you use the following salutations?

Dear Mr Brown / Ms Smith

Dear Sir

Dear Madam

Dear Sir or Madam

  1. When do you use these endings?

Yours faithfully

Yours sincerely

  1. How should you sign your letter?
  2. What information do you give in separate paragraphs?


Задание 2. Расположите части письма в правильном порядке:


12 RueChantily

Paris de France

15th August 2000                         MrJ.K.Green

Personnel Manager

Thrush Books Ltd

15 Rowans Road


Wessex UV20 8DT

Dear Mr. Green,

  1. I am 20 years old, and have just completed a year’s intensive study of English at the Language Academy at Rouen. My father is French and my mother is Austrian, so I am bilingual in French and German.
  2. I hope this is the information you need and I am the kind of person you are looking for. If so I would be grateful for more details about the job and an application form. I look forward to hearing from you.
  3. I am writing in reply to your advertisement in the Daily News for a secretary in the Foreign Department.
  4. I havealso completed a course for English secretaries at the Mountain Secretarial College; my typing speed in English is 50 wpm, I am used to audio typing in English and I can use a word processor.






Задание 3. Прочитайте письмо задания 2 еще раз и ответьте на вопросы, исходя из того, что это вы собираетесь получить эту работу:


What position are you applying for?

How did you find out about the opening?

Why are you interested in this position with this company?

What makes you specially qualified for the position? (skills, special abilities, background, education, experience, motivation, etc.)

What can you contribute to the company?

When can you start work?

When and how can the employer reach you to set up an interview?


Задание 4. Прочитайте объявления и переведите, по одному из них напишите резюме – письмо.


Job Advertisements


Print Production Manager Wanted

A well-known print company, now well established in the UK and in the Far East, wishes to set up a manufacturing base in Europe. An experienced manager, responsible to the Production Director, is required to assist in setting up the department and will then take charge of the day-to-day work.

The successful applicant will have had experience of modern methods and machines especially in the printing, multicolour work and finishing processes. He / she will have had at least three years’ experience in cost-effective management. A good working knowledge of English is essential.

We offer excellent pay and prospects, with 4 weeks’ holiday a year plus public holidays and a company pension scheme.

Interviews will be arranged in the nearest large town to the applicant’s home. Write, with CV, to The Personnel Manager, Box 32509, Daily News, Kemsworth Street Comston, United Kingdom SGI53 22AH.




Accountant requires assistant, preferably with previous experience. He / she must have an aptitude for figures. As the firm has many clients with businesses in Europe, fluency in English, French and German is essential.

Generous salary and benefits are offered-

Write enclosing a CV to:

Mr. John Anderson, Milner, Nation and Partners, Lynn House,  King’s Road, Poynton  V6 8MN.




Assistant Manager


A privately owned group of hotels with extensive leisure fa­cilities catering for overseas visitors is looking for an enthusiastic person to assist in the expansion of the hotel.

The successful applicant will have experience of all aspects of hotel work and at least one year’s experience as an Assistant Manager.

Applicants need a good knowledge of English and possibly two other languages.

Generous salary, bonus, good holidays and excellent prospects for promotion within the group.

Apply in confidence with full curriculum vitae and a recent photograph to:

Mr. G. Bateman, Castle Hotel, Green Strelt; Barton BR7 8QT


Executive Personal Assistants


We have three high-profile opportunities for efficient Secre­taries to join us in providing administrative support for Executive Trust Directors.

Your responsibilities will include arranging and servicing meetings, coordinating papers, collating agendas and taking min­utes. You will brief directors prior to appointments, deal with all incoming correspondence and generally prioritise their workload. Working as part of a team, you will also be expected to cover during the absence of your fellow executive PAs.

Your audio and WP skills should include a working knowl­edge of MS Office and Word for Windows. We’ll also expect you to have well-developed organisational and planning skills to­gether with a genuine ability to communicate with people at all levels. We would like one post-holder to commence at the end of February and the other two towards the end of March. All as­signments are for an initial period of six months, with the possi­bility of extension thereafter.

For an application pack please telephone 0171-463 2520/2582 quoting Ref PA. The closing date for receipt of completed applica­tion is Monday 19 January 1998. Interviews are scheduled for Monday 26 January 1998.

The London Ambulance Service NHS Trust is committed to equal opportunities. We also operate a smoke-free workplace.



Задание 5. Раскройтескобки, употребляя гла­голы в требующейся форме:

  1. What are you (to talk) about? 2. We have just (to talk) about it. 3. He has just (to say) some­thing about it. 4. She is (to tell) them some inter­esting story. 5. He has (to tell) us nothing about it. 6. She has (to tell) them some stories about dogs. 7. We have (to have) two lessons today. 8. They are (to have) a meeting. 9. She has not (to speak) yet. 10. They have (to ask) me several ques­tions. 11. He has already (to learn) the rule. 12. I am (to write) an exercise. 13. What is he (to do)? , — He is (to read) a newspaper. 14. Have you (to | read) any stories by Jack London? 15. What are you (to do) here? — I am (to write) a letter to my friends. 16. Who has (to write) this article? 17. What language are you (to study)? 18 We have already (to learn) a lot of English words. 19. What is she (to teach) them? 20. Who has (to teach) you to do it? 21. He has just (to do) something for us. 22. Have you (to find) the book? 23. Whatareyou (tolook) for?


Английский язык для МЭБИК: Задания для промежуточной аттестации

МЭБИК Контрольные работы

Задание для промежуточной аттестации обучающихся по английскому языку для Курского института менеджмента, экономики и бизнеса (МЭБИК)

Задание 1. Выберите правильный вариант:

  1. He …. in Hungary last August.
  2. a) is b) are c) was


  1. Both sisters …. always ready for the lesson.
  2. a) is b) are c) were


  1. The weather … very warm next week.
  2. a) is b) are c) will be


  1. Jane …. very tired because she worked very hard.
  2. a) were b) will be c) is


  1. The children …. sleepy as it is rather late.
  2. a) were b) will be c) are


ВНИМАНИЕ! В течение 5-10 минут после оплаты товар в прикреплённом файле высылается на электронный адрес, указанный Вами в платёжной форме. Если Вы по каким-либо причинам не получили оплаченный товар, свяжитесь с нами с 10.30 до 19.00 по московскому времени по Тел./WhatsApp/Viber +7(906)657-69-44, укажите артикул товара и приблизительное время оплаты.


  1. The boys …. good friends very soon.
  2. a) were b) are c) will be


  1. English …. difficult to study.
  2. a) wasn’t b) isn’t c) aren’t


  1. Ann … at home because she didn’t have lessons that day.
  2. a) is b) was c) will be


  1. The days …. usually short in winter.
  2. a) will be b) are c) were


  1. Our students …. always polite.
  2. a) is b) will be c) are


  1. We …. English as a foreign language.
  2. a) uses b) used c) will use


  1. The first settlers in North America …. English.
  2. a) speak b) spoke c) will speak


  1. When I entered the room she …. to her mother.
  2. a) spoke b) was speaking c) speaks


  1. I know that nobody …. Japanese outside Japan.
  2. a) is speaking b) speak c) speaks


  1. He never …. such information in his head.
  2. a) keep b) keeps c) is keeping


  1. They …. this opportunity but didn’t use it properly.
  2. a) has b) had c) will have


  1. A very good idea …. into my mind five minutes ago.
  2. a) come b) will come c) came


  1. The secretary …. to her boss now.
  2. a) spoke b) speaks c) is speaking


  1. When I came up to her she …. to correct her paper.
  2. a) tries b) tried c) was trying


  1. My friend …. at this time next week.
  2. a) will travel b) travel c) will be traveling


  1. I hope he …. my invitation.
  2. a) accepts b) will be accepting c) will accept


  1. The children …. the new English words at the moment.
  2. a) were learning b) are learning c) will learn


  1. They …. the engineers when the General Director came.
  2. a) met b) are meeting c) were meeting


  1. I …. this language in a year.
  2. a) will be learning b) will learn c) learn


  1. We …. this science in future.
  2. a) will study b) will be studying c) studied


  1. I …. on Hungarian at this moment the next day.
  2. a) am concerning b) was concerning    c) will be concerning


  1. The researcher …. this complex problem very soon.
  2. a) will study b) will be studying c) studies


  1. Don’t call on me at four. I …. an English lesson from three to five.
  2. a) will have b) am having  c) will be having


Задание 2. Напишите предложения

2.1. Напишите следующие предложения в отрицательной и вопросительной форме:

  1. It was a provincial language.
  2. English acquired an international status.
  3. Only few people speak this language.
  4. She was learning Hungarian.
  5. This guy works in the stock market.
  6. In five years everyone in Budapest will speak English.
  7. She shared her language with her mother.
  8. We are going to communicate with her.
  9. Russian has very different endings.
  10. They will be learning Spanish at this time.


2.2. Напишите следующие предложения в отрицательной и вопросительной форме:

  1. He keeps three languages in his head. (What?)
  2. Russian has very different endings. (What language?)
  3. It comes back after two or three days. (When?)
  4. He used the appropriate part of his brains. (What part?)
  5. I will keep it in this file. (Where?)
  6. They have a well-developed skill inside them. (Who?)
  7. The operator is establishing contact. (What?)
  8. Foreigners were speaking at that moment. (When?)
  9. Now I am studying this language on my own. (Who?)
  10. She will be speaking French very fast at this time next year. (How?)


2.3. Вставьте пропущенные слова из данных в правой колонке в соответствие со смыслом прочитанных вами текстов:


     Nowadays English has become the world’s most important language in politics, science, trade and cultural 1. In a number of speakers (400 million) it is 2 only to Chinese. It is the 3 language of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, of the United States of America, of Australia and New Zealand. English is used as 4 of the official languages in Canada. It is also spoken as a second language by many people in India, Pakistan, 5 countries in Africa.

Even more 6 English is studied and used as a foreign language. In this 7 it acquired an international status. It is used for communication, listening to 8. Half of the world’s 9 literature is in English.  English is associated with technological and economic 10 and it is the principal language of international aid.  It is not only the universal language of international aviation, shipping and sport, it is to a 11 degree the universal language of literacy and public communication. It is the 12 language of diplomacy.

a. widely

b. one

c. respect

d. second

e. numerous

f. major

g. relations

h. development

i. broadcasts

j. official

k. scientific

l. considerable


     English people are so used to foreigners speaking English that they 1 all accents, and understand even when foreigners speak English very 2, but I think Hungarians are 3 picky. I always find that there are a lot of people who try to correct every 4 word, which can make communication very difficult.

I’ve studied five 5 languages now. Sometimes I have studied on my 6, sometimes in a class. I think it’s 7 easier in a class. Hungarian I tried to learn on my own, but you really have to live in a place if you are going to have any idea about the language. For example, when I went to Spain, I could 8 understand anything at first, as people spoke ten times 9 than anyone ever spoke at school.

I think of my best friends, only a few are 10 English speakers. I have good friends in Russia, France, Holland, Iceland, Czech, Slovakia and Slovenia, all over, and it really gives me the 11 to travel and broaden my mind. I think I will 12 learn another language at some point.

a. native

b. faster

c. definitely

d. opportunity

e. hardly

f. probably

g. poorly

h. own

i. quite

j. accept

k. single

l. foreign



Критерии оценивания итоговой работы (экзамена):

90% и более верных ответов – «Отлично»

80% -70% верных ответов – «Хорошо»

менее 70% верных ответов – «Удовлетворительно»

менее 60% верных ответов – «Неудовлетворительно»



Английский язык для МЭБИК: Профессиональный иностранный для экономистов

МЭБИК Контрольные работы

Английский язык для Курского института менеджмента, экономики и бизнеса (МЭБИК): Обязательные задания для выполнения обучающимися по профессиональному иностранному языку. Необходимо выполнить для получения зачета в 3-м семестре.
В обязательном порядке обучающийся должен письменно перевести один из предложенных текстов и выполнить все задания к тексту:

Текст 1.

The process of calculating the costs of starting a small business begins with a list of all necessary purchases including tangible assets (for example, equipment, inventory) and services (for example, remodeling, insurance), working capital, sources and collateral. The budget should contain a narrative explaining how you decided on the amount of this reserve and a description of the expected financial results of business activities. The assets should be valued with each and every cost. All other expenses are like labour factory overhead all freshmen expenses are also included into business budgeting.
The budget of a company is often compiled annually, but may not be. A finished budget, usually requiring considerable effort, is a plan for the short-term future, typically one year. While traditionally the Finance department compiles the company’s budget, modern software allows hundreds or even thousands of people in various departments (operations, human resources, IT, etc.) to list their expected revenues and expenses in the final budget.
If the actual figures delivered through the budget period come close to the budget, this suggests that the managers understand their business and have been successfully driving it in the intended direction. On the other hand, if the figures diverge wildly from the budget, this sends an ‘out of control’ signal, and the share price could suffer as a result.
A budget is a fundamental tool for an event director to predict with reasonable accuracy whether the event will result in a profit, a loss or will break-even. A budget can also be used as a pricing tool.
There are two basic approaches or philosophies when it comes to budgeting. One approach focuses on mathematical models, and the other on people.
The first school of thought believes that financial models, if properly constructed, can be used to predict the future. The focus is on variables, inputs and outputs, drivers and the like. Investments of time and money are devoted to perfecting these models, which are typically held in some type of financial spreadsheet application.
The other school of thought holds that it’s not about models, it’s about people. No matter how sophisticated models can get, the best information comes from the people in the business. The focus is therefore in engaging the managers in the business more fully in the budget process, and building accountability for the results. The companies that adhere to this approach have their managers develop their own budgets. While many companies would say that they do both, in reality the investment of time and money falls squarely in one approach or the other.

ВНИМАНИЕ! В течение 5-10 минут после оплаты товар в прикреплённом файле высылается на электронный адрес, указанный Вами в платёжной форме. Если Вы по каким-либо причинам не получили оплаченный товар, свяжитесь с нами с 10.30 до 19.00 по московскому времени по Тел./WhatsApp/Viber +7(906)657-69-44, укажите артикул товара и приблизительное время оплаты.

1. Переведите следующие слова и выражения на русский язык.

1. to predict with reasonable accuracy 6. financial models
2. overhead expenses 7. human resources department
3. business budgeting 8. financial spreadsheet
4. mathematical models 9. inputs and outputs
5. profit 10. compile budget

2. Выберите правильный вариант ответа.

1. The budget of a company is usually compiled ……….
a) every week b) every month c) annually

2. ……… is a fundamental tool to predict with reasonable accuracy
whether the event will result in a profit, a loss or will break-even.
a) budget b) financial model c) overhead expense

3. Traditionally the ………. compiles the company’s budget.
a) manager b) accountant c) Finance department

4. When a company owns some material things they are called ………
a) liabilities b) tangible assets c) intangible assets

5. The managers involved in the budget process have …………….
a) responsibility b) duties c) accountability

3. Ответьте на вопросы.

1. What is a budget?
2. What should the budget contain?
3. Who compiles the budget?
4. What two basic approaches are used in budgeting?
5. How often is budget compiled?

Текст 2.


Microeconomics, like macroeconomics, is a fundamental method for analyzing the economy as a system. It treats households and firms interacting through individual markets as irreducible elements of the economy, given scarcity and government regulation. A market might be for a product, say fresh corn, or the services of a factor of production, say bricklaying. The theory considers aggregates of quantity demanded by buyers and quantity supplied by sellers at each possible price per unit. It combines these together to describe how the market may reach equilibrium as to price and quantity or respond to market changes over time.
Such analysis includes the theory of supply and demand. It also examines market structures, such as perfect competition and monopoly for implications as to behavior and economic efficiency. Analysis of change in a single market often proceeds from the simplifying assumption that relations in other markets remain unchanged, that is, partial-equilibrium analysis. General-equilibrium theory allows for changes in different markets and aggregates across all markets, including their movements and interactions toward equilibrium.Here economists distinguish between Production theory, Opportunity cost, Economic efficiency, and Production-possibility frontier.
In microeconomics, production is the conversion of inputs into outputs. It is an economic process that uses inputs to create a commodity for exchange or direct use. Production is a flow and thus a rate of output per period of time. Distinctions include such production alternatives as for consumption (food, haircuts, etc.) vs. investment goods (new tractors, buildings, roads, etc.), public goods (national defense, small-pox vaccinations, etc.) or private goods (new computers, bananas, etc.), and «guns» vs. «butter».
Opportunity cost refers to the economic cost of production: the value of the next best opportunity foregone. Choices must be made between desirable yet mutually exclusive actions. It has been described as expressing «the basic relationship between scarcity and choice.». The opportunity cost of an activity is an element in ensuring that scarce resources are used efficiently, such that the cost is weighed against the value of that activity in deciding on more or less of it. Opportunity costs are not restricted to monetary or financial costs but could be measured by the real cost of output forgone, leisure, or anything else that provides the alternative benefit.
Inputs used in the production process include such primary factors of production as labour services, capital (durable produced goods used in production, such as an existing factory), and land (including natural resources). Other inputs may include intermediate goods used in production of final goods, such as the steel in a new car.
Economic efficiency describes how well a system generates desired output with a given set of inputs and available technology. Efficiency is improved if more output is generated without changing inputs, or in other words, the amount of «waste» is reduced. A widely-accepted general standard is Pareto efficiency, which is reached when no further change can make someone better off without making someone else worse off.

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1. Переведите следующие слова и выражения на русский язык.
1. production theory 6. mutually exclusive actions

2. inputs and outputs
7. market changes
3. goods and services 8. real cost

4. monopoly
9. buyers and sellers
5. market structure 10. public goods

2. Выберите правильный вариант ответа.
1. A fundamental method for analyzing the economy as a system is …….
a) government regulation b) microeconomics c) production theory

2. Labour services, capital and land are called ……..
a) production process b) costs c) factors of production

3. The market may reach ………. when price and quantity balance.
a) equilibrium b) balance c) equation

4. ………. is the conversion of inputs into outputs.
a) distribution b) consumption c) production

5. ……. include new buildings, trucks, roads, etc.
a) investment goods b) public goods c) private goods

3. Ответьте на вопросы.

1. What is microeconomics?
2. What does economic efficiency describe?
3. What is production?
4. How can a market reach equilibrium?
5. What do factors of production include?

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